劉濱 通訊作者 《Introduction and comparision of three different fixation methods in the suprahepatic space in laparoscopy-assisted ventriculoperitoneal shunt for hydrocephalus》. Sci Rep. 2023;13(1):6231.
紀洪生 通訊作者《Incidence and risk factors of postoperative delirium after pancreatic cancer surgery: a retrospective study》Surg Today. 2023, 53(6):736-742.
趙寶 第一作者《Incidence and risk factors of postoperative delirium after pancreatic cancer surgery: a retrospective study》Surg Today. 2023, 53(6):736-742.
劉濱 第一作者 《Hepatocyte-derived exosomes deliver H2AFJ to hepatic stellate cells and promote liver fibrosis via the MAPK/STMN1 axis activation》Int Immunopharmacol. 2023;115:109605.
劉濱 通訊作者 《Case report: Concurrent Malignant Triton Tumor and relapsed pituitary adenoma in the sellar region》 Front Surg. 2023; 9:1080286.
劉濱 通訊作者 《Cortistatin-14 Exerts Neuroprotective Effect Against Microglial Activation, Blood-brain Barrier Disruption, and Cognitive Impairment in Sepsis-associated Encephalopathy》 J Immunol Res. 2022:3334145.
劉濱 通訊作者 《Lung Ultrasound in the Evaluation of Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome》 J Ultrasound Med. 2023,42(3):713-721
劉濱 第一作者《The evaluation of neurovascular relationships in trigeminal neuralgia: a pilot study on the optimal combination of high-resolution three-dimensional MR sequences》 Int J Radiat Res. 2022, 20(1): 67-73.
夏文君 第一作者《Oblongifolin C reverses GEM resistance via suppressing autophagy flux in bladder cancer cells》Exp Ther Med 。 2020;20(2):1431-1440.
王春暉 通訊作者《PFKFB3 inhibitors as potential anticancer agents: mechanisms of action, current developments, and structure-activity relationships》Eur J Med Chem . 2020;203:112612.
王春暉 第一作者《Loss of Atg7 in Endothelial Cells Enhanced Cutaneous Wound Healing in a Mouse Model》J Surg Res.2020;249:145-155.