現代化多功能綜合手術室:以世界先進的數字化平臺為基礎,集成腹腔鏡、手術顯微鏡、麻醉機、無影燈、手術床、 攝像系統,可實現手術設備一鍵設置、手術錄像轉播與直播、視頻教學、遠程會診等功能。
Modern multi-functional integrated operating room: with the world's most advanced digital platform as the basement, it integrates the most advanced laparoscopic, surgical microscope, anesthesia machine, shadowless lamp, operating bed, camera system, can achieve a key set of surgical equipment, surgical video broadcast and live, video teaching, remote consultation and other functions.
上一篇: 雜交手術室